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AKC S.T.A.R. PUPPY - S.T.A.R. stands for Socialization, Training, Activity, Responsibility. Learn to communicate with your puppy and teach him/her some basic skills for happily living in your home and community. More...
CANINE GOOD CITIZEN (CGC) - This class helps you teach your dog basic good manners, both for home and in the community. More...
COMMUNITY CANINE GOOD CITIZEN (CGCA) – CGC advanced skills with more people, dogs, and distractions. More...
URBAN CANINE GOOD CITIZEN (CGCU) – CGC skills on busy streets, using elevators, etc. More...
This class is designed to help develop reliable behaviors on and off leash that will contribute to being a family dog and companion at home and in public. More
Designed to teach you and your dog basic skills for a family dog, and to prepare both of you for further classes. More
This class is for handlers who are actively pursuing an Open Obedience title (CDX- Companion Dog Excellent). CDX exercises are all done off lead. Because of this, we are unable to accept dogs with behavioral issues. We will be limiting the class to six teams.
Dogs need to be able to:
* Take and hold a dumbbell
* Have some jumping experience (both broad jump and high jump)
* Have a reliable stay
*Be able to work away from the handler.
Our first class will involve a skills test, with handlers demonstrating dog's familiarity with heeling, stays, jumping, willingness to take and hold the dumbbell, and some knowledge/skill in the Command Discrimination exercise. Subsequent class content will depend on the level of the students enrolled.
Focus is a class designed to increase your dog’s attention on you through games and rewards to create a team. Basic obedience is required prior to entry into the class or approval by instructor for those who have trained those requirements at home. Focus 2 is more advanced.
There are 3 levels of AKC competition Obedience: Novice, Open, and Utility, which increase in difficulty. Coeur d'Alene Dog Fanciers offers a number of classes to help you earn AKC Obedience titles, or to just continue training your family dog. See details below.
Talk to your teacher about what class would be best for you to take.
Designed for students wanting to improve their skills and their dog’s performance. The Novice class is the foundation for future levels of training and participation in Novice Obedience trial competition. Dogs work on heeling, with and without a leash, coming when called, standing for a simple physical examination and staying in both a sit and a down positions while in a group setting. Time and distance of exercises increases, with recalls and group sits and downs (1 and 3 minutes) about 40 feet away. For dogs 6 months and older and handlers 15 years and older, exceptions with instructor’s approval.
After receiving a qualifying score at 3 AKC licensed events, a dog earns a Companion Dog (CD) title and moves on to Open.
Prerequisite: Beginning Obedience or Evaluation Exercises to be taught include:
· Figure 8 heeling
· Stand for exam
· Heeling off lead
· Recall and finish off lead
· Sit and down stay with handlers across the room
Equipment needed:
· 6-foot leash (leather or fabric, comfortable in your hand)
· An appropriate collar for training purposes
· If using treats, a pocket with small, soft, tasty treats
This is a competition obedience class with the intent of working toward showing at the Open level, although it is also good if you just want to work on more advanced skills with your dog. Students starting out in Open or ready to show are welcome.
More exercises are done off leash and include retrieving and jumping exercises. After receiving a qualifying score at the Open level in 3 AKC licensed events, a dog earns a Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title and moves on to Utility.
Exercises to be taught include:
· Retrieving on the flat and over the high jump
· Broad jump
· Out of sight group sit (3 minutes) and group stay (5 minutes)
· Drop on recall
Equipment needed:
· 6-foot leash (leather or fabric, comfortable in your hand)
· An appropriate collar for training purposes
· If using treats, a pocket with small, soft, tasty treats
The Novice Obedience class completed with the Instructor’s recommendation; and/or be able to demonstrate their ability to perform the Novice exercises.
Exercises are more challenging. The Utility class, which includes scent discrimination, directed retrieves, jumping and silent signal exercises, is the most challenging class. In the Utility class, dogs earn a Utility Dog (UD) title after receiving three qualifying scores under two different judges. After receiving qualifying scores at the Utility level in 3 AKC licensed events, a dog earns a Utility Dog (UD). From UD, a dog can also earn the additional titles Utility Dog Excellent (UDX), Obedience Master (OM), Grand Master (OGM), Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH).See for title requirements
Exercises to be taught include:
· Signal exercise
· Scent discrimination
· Directed retrieve
· Moving stand and exam
· Directed jumping
Equipment needed:
· 6-foot leash (leather or fabric, comfortable in your hand)
· An appropriate collar for training purposes (Note: Pinch collars or harnesses are not allowed during competition in Novice, Open, or Utility Obedience.)
· Small, soft training treats and/or toy
Prerequisites: Dogs must have successfully completed the Intermediate Obedience and/or have the instructor's recommendation prior to enrollment. Handlers must be 16 years or older.
AKC Rally®: You move your dog through a course of numbered signs performing different exercises. Each sign gives instructions which include sit, down, stay, move forward quickly, move slowly, and more complicated maneuvers.
BEGINNING RALLY enhance basic obedience skills while you learn the basics of Rally exercises.
Beginning Rally is followed by INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED RALLY. More
Rally-FrEe is a unique sport combining trick behaviors with the format of Rally-Obedience. It emphasizes the precise execution of fundamental freestyle and obedience skills... More
Learn the fundamentals of agility to direct your dog through a course of obstacles including tunnels, weave poles, tire jumps, seesaws, and others. More
Scent Work is patterned after the techniques used to train working detection dogs... More
Advanced Scent Work
This class will be modeled after AKC and UKC scent work trials. There will be occasional field trips. This class is not an introduction to scents. Previous experience in a scentwork is required .
Handlers will learn positive training methods to teach their dogs a variety of behaviors and tricks... More
Learn handler skills for the AKC Conformation Ring... More